Media accreditation is now open for ILGA-Europe's 15th Annual Conference in Turin, Italy
On 27-30 October 2011, ILGA-Europe holds its 15th Annual Conference in Turin. The title of this conference is “Human Rights and "Traditional Values": clash or dialogue?”
The purpose of ILGA-Europe’s Annual Conference is two-fold:
Firstly, this is a unique opportunity for LGBTI activists from across Europe to get together and discuss common problems and challenges, share experiences and best practices on tackling discrimination and advancing equality and human rights for LGBTI people, as well as celebrating achievements and sketching future projects, strategies and tactics.
Secondly, this is also ILGA-Europe’s Annual General Meeting when ILGA European members approve the activity and financial reports from ILGA-Europe’s Executive Board for the past year, elect the new board members and discuss other organisational issues.
Confirmed key note speakers are:
- Emma Bonino, Vice President and Member of the Italian Senate, formerly European Commissioner for Health & Consumer Protection and Member of the European Parliament;
- Anna Grodzka, newly elected and the first openly trans Member of Polish Parliament, president of Trans-Fuzja, trans rights organisation in Poland
- Robert Biedroń, newly elected and the first openly gay Member of Polish Parliament, president of Campaign Against Homophobia, leading Polish LGBT rights organisation;
- Jeff Dudgeon, won the landmark Dudgeon v UK case at the European Court of Human Rights in 1981. The judgment led to de-criminalisation of consenting same-sex sexual acts to Europe;
- Joke Swiebel, former Member of the European Parliament for the Dutch Labour Party and Chair of the EP Intergroup on LGBT Rights.
The conference theme will be explored in over 30 different workshops and self-organised spaces.
This year’s Annual Conference enjoys the patronage of the Italian Senate, Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament, Minister of Equal Opportunities, the Municipality of Turin, the province of Turin and Esperienza Italia 150º.
To obtain media pass, please register here.
Provisional programme of our Annual Conference.
More information about the Annual Conference in Turin is available on our website.
This conference is organised in partnership with the Organising Committee of the 15th ILGA-Europe’s Annual Conference in Turin.