LGBTI equality and human rights in Europe and Central Asia

Call for submissions: OSCE Hate crime report 2013

ILGA-Europe will soon start preparing our global submission to the OSCE/ODIHR, in view of their annual report on hate crime in 2013. As all NGOs can submit reports, you can also write directly to the ODIHR and send them a submission.

ILGA-Europe will prepare a comprehensive submission on all the countries on which we collected information on incidents that happened in 2013. As a result, you can choose to send to Joel Le Deroff, Senior Policy & Programmes Officer all relevant information, and I will include it in this global submission, also indicating that your organisation is a co-submitter along with ILGA-Europe. In this case, please send your input with this information by Monday 7 April 2014.

The country-by-country information you have will be previous. As this is a yearly report, only incidents reported in 2013 can be considered.