ILGA-Europe & IGLYO launch Report on Gay Youth at European Parliament
On 13 September 2006, ILGA-Europe and the International Gay Lesbian Youth Organisation (IGLYO), with the support of Ms. Sophie in’t Veld, MEP, Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s Intergroup on Gay and Lesbian Rights, and Mr. Proinsias De Rossa, MEP, are officially launching their report on “Social exclusion of young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Europe” at the European Parliament.
On this occasion, ILGA-Europe and IGLYO will present the results of this Europe-wide survey on discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) young people in different areas of life, such as education and health.
The survey was conducted with over 700 young LGBT people from 37 countries. Respondents gave information about where they mostly experience discrimination.
61% of respondents said to have experienced discrimination and prejudice in school while 51% reported discrimination within their family.
This report clearly demonstrates that discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation and gender identity undermines young LGBT people’s capacity to be socially included and to become active citizens.
For more information please contact
Evelyne Paradis, Policy Officer (Networks)
at + 32 2 609 54 13,
Notes for editors:
(1) ILGA-Europe is the European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association and works for equality and human rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Europe.
(2) IGLYO is the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Youth and Student Organization and works to combat the discrimination and persecution of young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth,
(3) The Report in PDF format is available from ILGA-Europe website: and IGLYO website:
(4) The launch will take place on 13 September 2006 from 12:30 to 14:00
At the European Parliament – A1H-1- Brussels.