On Valentine’s day, I come out for Love!
Sunday is Valentine’s day, and we want You to Come Out for Love. Together, we want to tell the world that love wins. Always.
So this Sunday, please Come Out for Love by sharing this photo and our hashtag.
You can do two simple things to help us.
- Please help us share this message Sunday on social media. Use hashtag #IComeOutforLove
- Consider making a donation. With a small gift from you on Valentine’s day, we can spread a lot of love.
Why are we doing this?
Valentine’s day is a day on which many people celebrate their love. But not everybody gets to celebrate their love equally.
- In Switzerland a referendum will take place on 28 February. People can vote to define marriage as an union between a man and a woman in law.
- Trans people 29 European countries must divorce prior to getting their gender legally recognised.
- In Slovenia, an opposition group mobilised successfully to overturn marriage equality legislation through a referendum last December.
- The Italian Senate is still discussing whether to finally adopt civil partnership for same-sex couples. Same-sex couples have been waiting for years to get their love recognised.
But love is strong and love can win.
- In Ireland an overwhelming majority of people last year voted in favour marriage equality. Last November the first same-sex couple got married.
- During our Annual Conference in Greece last October all major parties in parliament expressed support to a same-sex partnership bill, which was adopted in December.
- Earlier this week, the first same-sex couple in Cyprus got recognised.
Together, our movement can make a difference. This Sunday we will send a strong message of support to LGBTI people in all countries who are still fighting to get their love recognised.
ILGA-Europe is right behind activists all year round. We help activists to build effective strategies and campaigns to make love win in their countries. By bringing people together, providing resources and expertise, we can win love together.
And you can help too. Come Out for Love.
Thank you.
ILGA-Europe team