“Anti-propaganda” law in Ukraine withdrawn from the Parliament agenda
In January, the Ukrainian Parliament withdrew the draft of so-called “homosexuality anti-propaganda” law (8711/0945) from its agenda.
According to information from Ukrainian partners, the law 8711/0945 was not included in the agenda of the Ukrainian Parliament for its current session. This means that Parliament will not get back to discussions about this legislative initiative.
The draft law 8711/0945 was the last one of many versions of so-called “anti-propaganda” laws remaining on the agenda of the Parliament. For the moment all versions of anti-propaganda laws that have been introduced (total number is 4 since 2011) are dropped from the agenda of the Parliament. The Ukrainian NGOs convinced that this is a joint achievement of Ukrainian LGBT movement, civil society, European and international organisations. Nevertheless, Ukrainian partners stress that this does not exclude the chance of similar laws being again tabled for Parliament’s consideration in the future.
The draft law 8711/0945 foresaw modification of several existing laws in Ukraine, including criminal law, and introducing sanctions for the import, production and distribution of products that would ‘promote’ homosexuality. It was voted in the first reading in October 2012 and remained on the agenda of the Parliament until recently.
More information about this is here: http://blogs.korrespondent.net/blog/politics/3469255/ (text in Russian)