Media accreditation opens for ILGA-Europe’s 17th Annual Conference in Zagreb
On 24-26 October 2013, ILGA-Europe holds its 17th Annual Conference in Dublin. The theme of the conference is “Family matters! Reaching out to hearts and minds.”
About the Conference:
The purpose of ILGA-Europe’s Annual Conference is two-fold:
Firstly, this is a unique opportunity for LGBTI activists from across Europe to get together and discuss common problems and challenges, share experiences and best practices on tackling discrimination and advancing equality and human rights for LGBTI people, as well as celebrating achievements and sketching future projects, strategies and tactics. 250 delegates from 42 countries will attend the Conference.
Secondly, this is also ILGA-Europe’s Annual General Meeting when ILGA European members approve the activity and financial reports from ILGA-Europe’s Executive Board for the past year, elect the new board members and discuss other organisational issues.
Confirmed key note speakers are:
- Stavros Lambrinidis, European Union Special Representative for Human Rights
- Aurel Ciobanu-Dordea, Director of the Directorate D – Equality within the Directorate General Justice
- Wanda Nowicka, Deputy Speaker of Sejm (Lower Chamber of the Polish Parliament)
- Miguel Vale de Almeida, Anthropologist, LGBT activist, and professor at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE) in Lisbon
- Tamara Vonta, State Secretary of Slovenia
- Uzra Zeya, Acting Assistant Secretary, bureau of democracy, human rights and labour, United States’ State Department.
The conference theme will be explored in over 30 different workshops and self-organised spaces.
Information for the media:
To obtain media pass, please register here.
Our press conference will take place on Wednesday, 23 October 2012, at 11:00 in Sheraton Zagreb Hotel, Kneza Borne 2, 10 000 Zagreb.
This conference is organised in association with the Zagreb organising committee ILGA-Europe Conference 2013. The committee includes the Croatian LGBTI organisations Kontra, Iskorak and Rišpet.