Marriage equality on the horizon in Slovenia
Slovenia’s National Assembly passed a gender-neutral marriage bill in a vote last night (Tuesday 3 March 2015), in a move that signals broad political support for LGBTI equality.
The proposed law, which phrases marriage in gender neutral terms, was adopted by an impressive margin of 51 to 28. The vote demonstrates the transformative social change that has taken place in Slovenia, where a referendum rejected similar legislative amendments in 2012.
ILGA-Europe is proud to acknowledge the long-term advocacy work carried out at national level by many activists, its LGBTI member organisations and committed campaigners. ‘The tireless efforts of the LGBTI community and their allies in Slovenia have ensured that equality was the winner in last night’s vote. They are providing us all with inspiration this morning.’ said ILGA-Europe Executive Director Evelyne Paradis.
‘The amendment to the Law on Marriage and Family Relations will extend marriage to same sex couples as well as many economic and social rights previously only enjoyed by married and cohabiting heterosexual partners. ’ continued Evelyne Paradis. The law is expected to officially come into effect in 6 months’ time.