LGBTI equality and human rights in Europe and Central Asia

EU leaders to discuss human rights and LGBTI equality

Wednesday 12 February between 16.00-18.30, ILGA-Europe is bringing candidates to the European Commission's Presidency and other high-level representatives from the five main European political parties to discuss the human rights and LGBTI equality agenda of the next European Parliament and Commission.

Check out the whole programme and watch the debate live here.

Panellists will discuss action needed to guarantee protection of the human rights of LGBTI people, and will also talk about ongoing challenges to advancing recognition of these rights in the EU. In the lead-up to the EU elections, they will also be asked what they and their parties intend to do to ensure that human rights and LGBTI equality issues remain strong on the agenda of the next Commission and Parliament.

This political debate is the Brussels launch of the ILGA-Europe European elections campaign 2014 “Come Out” which was launched at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 14 January 2014.