LGBTI equality and human rights in Europe and Central Asia

EU migration: time for an ambitious human rights-based agenda

Joint statement from over 30 NGOs - including ILGA-Europe - calling on EU member states to introduce a migration policy that respects rights and dignity of all asylum-seekers.

On 14 and 15 December, EU heads of state are expected to discuss the internal and external dimension of the EU’s migration policy. 

Ahead of the European Council meeting in Brussels, over 30 humanitarian, development and human rights organisations are calling on EU leaders to adopt asylum and migration policies in accordance with the following recommendations: 

  • A permanent, equitable mechanism for responsibility-sharing should be established as part of the reformed Dublin Regulation
  • The EU’s migration agenda should include strong human rights commitments
  • Budgetary commitments, both within the EU’s annual budget and the upcoming Multi-Annual Financial Framework, should reflect the EU’s priorities on protection and human rights
  • Investing in safe and regular migration pathways is essential 
  • Human rights abuses suffered by migrants and asylum seekers at or outside of EU’s borders must be meaningfully addressed

You can read the joint statement in full here.



Action Against Hunger

Access Info Europe

Association Européenne pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme

Ayuda en Acción

CARE International

Caritas Europa




Coordination SUD

Danish Refugee Council

ENAR – European Network against Racism



European Evangelical Alliance

FIDH-International Federation for Human Rights

Flemish Refugee Action

Human Rights Watch


International Rescue Committee

Kehys, the Finnish NGDO Platform to the EU

Medecins du Monde

Mercy Corps Europe

Migration Policy Group

National Spanish NGDO Platform

Norwegian Refugee Council




Safe Passage

Save the Children

Terre des Hommes

World Vision