LGBTI equality and human rights in Europe and Central Asia

Cyprus government makes significant step towards equality for all families

Today the Cypriot government approved a long-awaited bill introducing civil partnerships for all couples. The bill is now with the Cypriot parliament for final approval.

ILGA-Europe congratulates Cyprus government, politicians and civil society organisations for this significant step toward full equality for all families in Cyprus. We now hope and expect that Cypriot parliamentarians will proceed with the bill without delay and will support it.

When adopted, the Cypriot civil partnership bill will allow any couple to register their relationships and expected to provide all the rights, protections and responsibilities of marriage with the exception of joint adoption.

Evelyne Paradis, Executive Director of ILGA-Europe, said: "We sincerely welcome today's move by the Cypriot government. This bill was promised by politicians two years ago already and we call on to the parliament to support this important piece of legislation without delay.

This bill is designed to ensure all families are protected and enjoy their human rights. The European Court of Human Rights made it clear that family today is understood not as only a union between married man and woman and their biological children, but include a whole variety of arrangement's, including families of same-sex partners and their children."