Warsaw 2017 – media registration closes on 30 October
If you are a journalist writing about social affairs, human rights or the experiences of LGBTI people in Europe, then you need to be in the room.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Monday 30 October 2017 at 17.00 CET
What: ILGA-Europe’s 21st Annual Conference
When: Wednesday 1 November 2017 – Saturday 4 November 2017
Where: The Hilton Warsaw Hotel and Convention Centre
Click here for info on late registration requests
Why: The eyes of Europe are on Poland for several reasons right now. Even since ILGA-Europe’s last conference in Nicosia, populist discourse and nationalism across Europe have been posing real challenges to human rights and democratic values.
However, beneath the black and white text of news articles, there is another Poland. One where a vibrant civil society movement is organising. Where LGBTI activists are creating campaigns with allies. And where local LGBTI communities are pushing back against inequality.
In Warsaw, we will delve into this phenomenon and investigate how the LGBTI movement is responding under the 2017 theme - CHANGE! Communities Mobilising, Movements Rising.
Over 550 activists and allies. More than 50 workshops, panels and discussion sessions.
The 2017 QUEER-ED speaker is Urszula Kuczyńska, Czarny Protest (Black Protest) organiser.
Confirmed conference speakers also include:
- Elżbieta Bieńkowska, EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
- Adam Bodnar, Polish Ombudsman/ Commissioner for Human Rights
- Terry Reintke, Member of the European Parliament
- Piet De Bruyn, PACE Member Council of Europe and General Rapporteur on the Rights of LGBTI people
- Phyll Opoku-Gyimah, co-founder and Executive Director of UK Black Pride
- Jonny Dzhibladze, project coordinator at Coming Out St. Petersburg
- Luca Stevenson, activist and coordinator at ICRSE (The International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe)
- Lisa Power, co-founder of Stonewall UK
- Alice Coffin, co-founder of the European Lesbian* Conference (EL*C)
- Happy Mwende Kinyili, programmes director at Mama Cash
A press conference will also take place during the conference; more information available after registration.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Monday 30 October 2017 at 17.00 CET