ILGA-Europe welcomes Frattini statement on rights for same-sex partners
ILGA-Europe welcomes Franco Frattini, Commissioner-Designate for Justice, Freedom and Security, statements on rights for same-sex partners in the EU.
During the hearings at the European Parliament (LIBE and JURI Committees) on 15-16 November 2004, Franco Frattini, responding to the questions from the members of the European Parliament, stated that same-sex partners who are legally recognised in one of the EU member states should enjoy the same legal recognition throughout the European Union.
Franco Frattini pointed to the sensitivity over the issue of homosexuality in different EU member states and acknowledged the difference between how EU member states recognise the rights of same-sex partners. At the same time he stressed the importance for all EU member states to uphold the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. He said that freedom of movement is a basics right which must be guaranteed irrespective of that fact that some member states have or do not have legal rules regarding same-sex couples.
Ensuring the principles of freedom of movement and family unification for same-sex partners in the EU and is one of the ILGA-Europe’s current campaigns. If Franco Frattini is approved as a Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, ILGA-Europe will closely follow up and scrutinise his action to ensure his statement at the Parliament are implemented in practice.
Juris Lavrikovs
Information & Communications Officer
Telephone: +32 – 2 609 54 16
Notes to the editors:
- ILGA-Europe is a European NGO for national and local lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) groups and works for human rights and against sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination at European level. ILGA-Europe is the European Region of the International Lesbian & Gay Association (ILGA).
- European Charter of Fundamental Rights (Article II-21) prohibits discrimination based on grounds of sexual orientation and is a part of the European Constitution signed last October. When ratified by all EU member states, it will be binding on all of them.
- Two EU member states (Belgium and the Netherlands) allow same-sex marriage and nine provide various forms of legal recognition of same-sex partners (Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK).