ILGA-Europe goes to EuroPride 2011 in Rome
On 11 June, EuroPride 2011 will culminate with a Pride March through the central streets of Rome. ILGA-Europe will be participating to show its supports to this March.
EuroPride is an important occasion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) communities in Europe as it serves as an opportunity to look at the progress which has been made in Europe and celebrate the achievements towards greater legal equality, and social acceptance of LGBTI people. At the same time, this is also an occasion to highlight the various remaining problems and explore ways of resolving them.
ILGA-Europe’s latest Rainbow Europe Map and Index, reflects the state of laws and administrative practices in relation to the human rights situation of LGBT people in all European countries, and reveals that there is great disparity across Europe. In fact, the continent is far from full equality and respect of human rights of LGBT people.
It is particularly significant that this year’s EuroPride is taking place in Italy which is among those European Union countries with the worst legal framework when it comes to LGBT people as is clearly demonstrated in our equality index. ILGA-Europe therefore hopes that the presence of this event in Italy will stimulates further debates on the rights of LGBTI people, raise awareness on the unsatisfactory situation in this regard and will lead to commitments by the Italian authorities to address inequalities and discrimination against LGBTI people in Italy.
ILGA-Europe’s team will be marching at the front of the EuroPride March and we invite all our supporters and friends who will be in Rome to join our group. Our group will focus its attention on the situation in Europe and will be carrying a large Rainbow Europe Map to highlight the current legal situation for LGBT people across Europe. ILGA-Europe’s group will be assembling at the starting point of the Europride March at Piazza dei Cinquecento from 15.00 (the parade starts at 16.00).