PrEP available in France from 2016
On Monday 23 November, the French Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine, announced that PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis) will be available in France from 2016. France will become only the second country, after the USA, to authorize access to PrEP. The treatment will be covered by social security.
PrEP means the use of anti-retroviral medicines (ARVs) by HIV-negative people before carrying out an action that could put them at risk of HIV transmission (such as injecting drugs or having unprotected intercourse).
ILGA-Europe believe the right to health implies that everyone has access to comprehensive sex and relationship education, is informed of the various options they can be offered in an HIV prevention strategy and is aware of the different risks associated with various practices. This means that PrEP should be made available to all who decide to use it, provided that it is offered as one element among a combination of preventive tools. Health systems across Europe should provide LGBTI users with safe, inclusive and patient-centred environments to ensure a strong response to the spread of HIV.