Tribute to Pedro Zerolo
“We will not let him die’ – the words of our Co-Chair Paulo Corte Real accurately capture the sentiment of ILGA-Europe as a group on hearing the news of the death of Pedro Zerolo (on Tuesday, 9 June 2015).
As president of ILGA-Europe member organisation FELGBT from 1998 – 2003, Pedro was an integral part of the LGBTI movement in Spain. His dedication to the fight for equal marriage rights bore fruit in 2005, the same year that he married his partner.
“Meeting Pedro Zerolo and feeling his passion for equality was a true privilege. Pedro's energy and strength were key drivers for marriage equality in Spain and he will keep inspiring us all.” said Paulo Corte Real.
“Acknowledging his incredible contribution to Spain and to Europe will not be enough. The best way we can honour his memory is to keep sharing his passion and to keep fighting against discrimination across Europe.”