LGBTI equality and human rights in Europe and Central Asia

State of emergency continues in Turkey

The state of emergency continues in Turkey, with increasing repression of opposition, activists and media voices. Over 370 NGOs were shut down at the start of November allegedly for suspected terrorist ties.

Levent Pişkin, an activist of LGBTI movement, Pride Week volunteer, an active member of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (one of the now banned organisations) and a human rights advocate, was detained illegally on 14 November after a raid to his home. He has since been released with travel restrictions. Although no LGBTI organisations were on this banned list, the work of organisations is becoming increasingly more challenging by the day.

Over 110,000 people have been sacked or suspended from their jobs and 37,000 arrested since the failed coup attempt in July, including opposition politicians, academics, and activists. Read more news on Turkey here.

As a response to increasing repressions the European Parliament adopted a resolution last week stating that the European Commission and member states should temporarily freeze EU accession talks with Turkey, though not abandon them completely. During the debate MEPs referred to the disproportionate repressive measures that have followed the failed coup on 15 July.