Coming up! Two events on legal gender recognition of trans people
ILGA-Europe and Transgender Europe have the pleasure to invite you to both or either one of two events taking place in Berlin in November 2013 regarding the legal gender recognition of trans people.
The first one is a capacity building event entitled From Stumbling Block to Stepping Stone – transforming legal gender recognition, and will be hosted by Transgender Europe, targeting trans rights activists:
Date: 2-3 November
Brief outline: Being able to change name and registered sex in official documents is key for many trans people for a meaningful participation in society and to prevent discrimination. However, gender recognition processes in European countries are often full of stumbling blocks. This skill-building seminar explores how activists can strategically engage to make legal gender recognition a quick, transparent and accessible stepping stone for trans people. To this end, case studies from successful campaigns will be presented and discussed. Participants will look into how specific difficulties on the domestic level can be overcome. This will be supported by focused inputs on European legal standards on gender recognition, and the possibility to use strategic litigation on the domestic and European level. A mix of interactive methods (peer-to-peer, expert input, interactivity, mutual learning) will be used. Prominence is given to exchange and networking opportunities.
Caters for: 20 activists from across Europe.
The second event is entitled Roundtable on Legal Gender Recognition of Trans People. It will be hosted by ILGA-Europe and builds on the capacity building seminar by targets politicians and/or civil servants that are already working, or intend to work, on legal gender recognition bills that meet current human rights standards:
Date: 4-5 November
Brief outline: Oftentimes, well-meaning politicians and/or civil servants encounter various difficulties when drafting bills or defending them, as they may not have access to the current highest standards, best knowledge base or information about the experience of other countries that have tabled similar proposals. During this roundtable, we intend to provide factual information on the application of human rights with regard to trans people, as well as their sociological situation will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on best practice sharing around legal gender recognition laws or proposals, which will be presented by various high-level human rights, political and academic speakers. The participants will have the opportunity to discuss their domestic draft bills (whether already tabled in parliament or still at the drafting stage). To do this effectively, ample space will also be provided for discussion around national concerns and different strategies to ensure that the best possible bill is finally adopted into law. To ensure effective national follow-up after the seminar, this Roundtable will be open to up to maximum of 10 countries, where 1 participant will be a representative of a trans or LGBTI organisation, and the other participant/s will be the lead politician/civil servant(s) leading on the drafting of the bills.
Caters for: Up to 10 countries (minimum of 2 participants per country – 1 trans activist, 1 government representative). This event is funded by the European Union and is thus only open to the EU-28 and accession countries.