LGBTI equality and human rights in Europe and Central Asia

ILGA-Europe opens media accreditation for its Annual Conference

On 30 October – 2 November 2008, ILGA-Europe holds its 12th Annual Conference (30th ILGA European Annual Conference) in the Austrian capital of Vienna. The title of this conference is “ Think globally, act locally”.

The purpose of ILGA-Europe’s Annual Conference is two-fold: firstly, this a unique opportunity for LGBT activists across Europe to get together and discuss common problems and challenges, share experiences and best practices on tackling discrimination and advancing equality and human rights for LGBT people, as well as celebrating achievements and sketching future projects, strategies and tactics. Secondly, this is also ILGA-Europe’s Annual General Meeting when ILGA European members approve the activity and financial reports from ILGA-Europe’s Executive Board for the past year, elect the new board for the next years and discuss other organisational issues.

Among the confirmed guest speakers at this year’s Annual Conference are:

  • Madeleine Rees, Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Thomas Hammarberg, Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe
  • Morten Kjaerum, Director of the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union
  • Belinda Pyke, Director of the European Commission’s Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and equal Opportunities
  • Professor Jack Donelly, Denver University, author of highly acclaimed by academics, students and human rights activists alike book “Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice”.

These experienced, stimulating and motivating panel speakers will present the state of affairs in international human rights standards related to sexual orientation and gender identity. The conference will also explore the vision of human rights in 10 years time and the strategies needed to achieve that vision. The panels are echoed and complimented by a rich and diverse workshop programme.

In order to obtain accreditation for media pass, please send a completed Media Registration Form (below) with proof of credentials. You will also find below provisional programme of our Annual Conference.

For more information please contact

International media:
Juris Lavrikovs
+ 32 2 609 54 16 / + 32 496 708 375

Austrian media:
Christian Hoegl
+43 (0) 699 118 11 038

Notes for editors:
(1) ILGA-Europe is the European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association and works for equality and human rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Europe:

(2) More information about the Annual Conference in Vienna is available on our website:

(3) This conference is organised in partnership with Homosexuelle Initiative Wien (HOSI Wien):