Disappointment as Poland and Hungary block EU proposal on property regimes of married and registered couples
Today the Polish and Hungarian governments blocked the adoption of a 2011 proposal on property right of married and registered couples by the European Commission, at the Justice and Home Affairs Council.
ILGA-Europe is disappointed and deeply regrets that Polish and Hungarian governments for blocking the reasonable compromise proposal of the outgoing Luxembourg Presidency. We are disappointed that both governments argued that this proposal infringe their sovereignty and interfere with the national identity, traditions and values related to family and society. In fact, this proposal does not encroach on EU Member States sovereignty on domestic family law matters, but merely provides a framework for the applications of existing law on property regimes alone.
Evelyne Paradis, Executive Director of ILGA-Europe, said:
“Today, we are truly disappointed that Poland and Hungary turned their back to all EU citizens who move across the EU. Couples who use their right to free movement will continue facing legal uncertainties and challenges as a result. Poland and Hungary are also turning their back to their numerous nationals who live or work in another EU member state: 2 million Polish and 300.000 Hungarian nationals, as Commissioner Jourova rightly stated in today’s debate.”
While the unanimity of EU member states required for this proposal did not materialise, a number of EU member states said they will continue looking for solution on this matter using a framework of enhanced cooperation.
Evelyne Paradis, continued:
“It’s encouraging to see numerous EU countries being determined to address property rights of all married and registered couples. And we therefore strongly encourage the upcoming Dutch Presidency to keep trying to ensure that these important proposals will be adopted in the near future.”