ILGA-Europe's statement on St Petersburg’s ‘propaganda’ law adopted today in 2nd reading
ILGA-Europe’s Statement on a law on prohibition of the so-called propaganda of 'sodomy, lesbianism, bisexualism and transgenderism, and paedophilia to minors' and introduction of administrative offense adopted by St. Petersburg’s Legislative Assembly in second reading on 8 February 2012
ILGA-Europe is appalled by the decision of St. Petersburg’s Legislative Assembly to support in the second reading this law. ILGA-Europe already condemned this law, in its statement on 15 November 2011.
Unfortunately, St. Petersburg’s law-makers have ignored international outrage, Russia’s international human rights obligations and common sense.
As we already stated such legislation would constitute a clear violation of the country’s international obligations to uphold freedom of expression and fight discrimination.
Similar laws have already been adopted and implemented in other Russia’s cities and regions: 2006 in Ryazan (2006), in Arkhangelsk (2011) and in Kostroma region (2011). We are seriously concerned also by the statements of some Russian politicians suggesting the adoption of similar legislation at the federal level.
ILGA-Europe repeatedly calls on St. Petersburg’s legislators to immediately abandon this disgraceful and discriminatory initiative. We also call upon European Institutions to address these egregious breaches of the rights of LGBT people to freedom of expression with the Russian authorities and to publicly condemn such legislative initiatives in Russia.