ILGA-Europe Seminar: Stepping Up the Fight Against Hate Crimes
On 10 December 2014, over 50 representatives from LGBTI organisations from across the EU, national governments, European institutions, civil society and the academic world gathered in Brussels to discuss how to step up the fight against hate crimes.
This seminar organised by ILGA-Europe coincided with International Human Rights Day. Analysing EU legislation on hate crime and looking at national transposition and practices, important gaps in EU legislation in tackling homophobic and transphobic hate crime were exposed. Workshop discussions looked closer into how to tackle those gaps in EU legislation, best practice examples of fighting hate crime on the ground, as well as the important to establishing partnerships with the police and the judiciary system.
In the closing session, participants called upon Members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the upcoming Luxembourg Presidency to step up the fight against homophobic and transphobic hate crime across the EU – using existing EU competence to close gaps in legislation, but also identifying and promoting the exchange of good practices in Member States and adopting policies and programmes to train law enforcement and judiciary authorities on hate crimes. The EC LGBTI strategy which Commissioner Jourova has committed upon taking office, will be a key in this context.
You will find attached:outcomes and presentations from the seminar,ILGA-Europe resources on tackling hate crimes... and below, some images from the seminar.