LGBTI equality and human rights in Europe and Central Asia

Media Release

Behind the smokescreen of anti-LGBTI rhetoric in Europe, there’s a groundswell of allied determination to tackle hatred, report finds

Cover Annual Review 2022

A report from the leading LGBTI organisation in Europe finds that amid a rise in official anti-LGBTI rhetoric fuelling a wave of hate crime in every country in Europe, there is a growing institutional resolve to tackle hatred and exclusion.

Turkey acquits 19 LGBTI+ Pride marchers, honouring fundamental human rights, domestic law, and international commitments

A group of people after the trial.

Leading European LGBTI rights organisation, ILGA-Europe welcomes the decision of a Turkish court to acquit 19 activists, who were charged with “unlawful assembly” for their participation in a peaceful LGBTI+ Pride march in 2019.

With today's infringements the EU has clarified that member states can no longer act against human rights with impunity, says Europe’s leading LGBTI rights organisation

Today, July 15, the European Commission announced that it will take landmark infringement procedures against both Hungary and Poland.
