LGBTI equality and human rights in Europe and Central Asia

How to become a member

Only organisations (but not individuals) which support the aims and objectives of ILGA can apply for membership.

  • The membership is handled by the secretariat of ILGA World.
  • Please be aware that only organisations (not individuals) can apply for membership. The Executive Board of ILGA at its next meeting will review your application and you will receive communication as to the success of the application.
  • Does your organisation want to be a member? Click on this link, read explanation, and follow the instructions.
  • If your organisation decides to become a member of ILGA – please submit your applications on ILGA World website.

Membership for organisations

According to ILGA Constitution there are two membership categories and membership is only available for organisations:

  • Full membership
  • Associate membership

Full membership is open to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or intersex non-profit organisations which support the Aims and Objectives of ILGA. This category includes LGBTI groups which form part of a non LGBTI organisation.

Associated membership is open to any other organisation or association which supports the Aims and Objectives of ILGA; typically, such organisations are commercial LGBTI organisations, governmental oganisations, or non-LGBTI voluntary organisations.

Note! Only Full Members have the right to vote at regional (and world) conferences. Voting rights are given to organisations that paid their membership for the last three consecutive years unless they are member for less than three years.

See full list of members.

ILGA or ILGA-Europe?

By becoming a member of ILGA, an organisation from a particular region is automatically linked to that region of ILGA. That means all members of ILGA from Europe and Central Asia are automatically linked to ILGA-Europe and can participate and vote both at the ILGA World Conference and at the ILGA-Europe Annual Conference.

The membership process (applications, decision, and payments) are being maintained and administered by ILGA World office and not by the ILGA-Europe’s office. ILGA World office provides ILGA-Europe with regular updates on membership information in Europe&Central Asia.

How much does it cost to be a member organisation of ILGA/ILGA-Europe?

Full membership: in December 2010, ILGA World Conference in San Paulo decided:

  • 150 EUR for organisations located in countries listed as “high income economies” by the World Bank.
  • 30 EUR for the organisations located in other countries than the one listed there
  • Larger organisations with annual budgets over 200 000 EUR are encouraged to pay 300 EUR per year wherever they may be.

Associated membership

  • 300 EUR

Can an individual join ILGA?

Individuals cannot become members of ILGA, but they can support the organisation with donations and apply to register for ILGA conferences knowing however that they will have no voting rights.

Any question regarding your membership application or membership status?

As all membership process is being fully processed and administered by ILGA World and not ILGA-Europe, please contact ILGA World office if you have any questions regarding ILGA membership or if you want to become a member of ILGA:

Write an email.