First report from UN SOGI Expert Madrigal-Borloz published

The report highlights that LGBTI people are particularly vulnerable to violence, ill-treatment and discrimination, many facing it every day.
The report highlights that LGBTI people are particularly vulnerable to violence, ill-treatment and discrimination, many facing it every day.
Transposition of the Recast Asylum Procedure Directives and of the Recast Reception Conditions Directive (Published : September 2014)
By Professor Steve Peers, Human Rights Centre, University of Essex on behalf of ILGA-Europe.
December 2013
This Catalogue is a civil society follow-up to the pioneering work of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Hammarberg, and his 2009 Issue Paper.
This paper seeks to take stock of the developments of the Lisbon Treaty and of their significance for the protection and promotion of LGBTI rights in the EU.
Joining forces to combat homophobic and transphobic hate crime. Cooperation between police forces and LGBT organisations in Europe (September 2010)
Implementation Guidelines (December 2009)
This report about same-sex relationships and LGBT people in Armenia explores identities, common human rights violations, the landscape of LGBT organising, health and HIV/AIDS, and relevant legal aspects.
This report is the final outcome of the Age Project. (Published : December 2008)
This report documents the existing framework of legal protection of the rights of children in LGBT families at European level.