Joint Statement: METU Pride human rights defenders must be acquitted at upcoming trial / Ortak Açıklama: ODTÜ Onur Yürüyüşü’ne katılan insan hakları savunucuları gelecek duruşmada beraat etmeli

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ILGA-Europe are alarmed to observe that in the past week the Turkish government has stepped up its systematic attacks on and defamation of LGBTI+ people.
After a first postponement in November, the trial against Elżbieta, Anna and Joanna will take place on January 13.
The European Commission and member states are duty bound to hold Poland accountable to EU Treaties.
On 26 July, Evdokiya Romanova, a Samara activist for civil rights, was summoned to the police under an administrative offense - "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations using the Internet" among minors.
ILGA-Europe extends our warmest congratulations to close friend and colleague Nigel Warner who was included in the New Year’s Honours list.
Peter Ashman died on 21 February 2014, at the age of 63, after a short, brave struggle with pancreatic cancer.