Communicating for Change: a communications needs assessment of the LGBTI movement in Europe and Central Asia

This is the most in-depth investigation into the communications strength of the movement in Europe and Central Asia.
This is the most in-depth investigation into the communications strength of the movement in Europe and Central Asia.
Communication is at the heart of some of the biggest successes of the LGBTI movement in Europe and Central Asia.
Watch this series of short campaign videos created by LGBTI activists on 29 January.
Register now for ILGA-Europe’s interactive webinar ‘Campaigning and message framing for intersex rights’.
Daniela Ferrazza, Researcher at the user experience design agency Fifth Beat (Italy)
I clearly remember the moment we spoke about this project for the first time. It was the morning after celebrations for my 40 years. The evening before, I drunk as I had 20, so I made twice the effort to follow Raffaele’s speech. Hangovers have strict rules.
Who is Raffaele? Who am I? What was the project about?
Are you campaigning for legal gender recognition in your country? Discover how to talk about self-determination with policy-makers, media, allies and community members.
ILGA-Europe will host an interactive webinar on message testing for LGBTI activists and allies.
The video was created to inspire young people around the world to be true to themselves.
ILGA-Europe will host a webinar on framing messages for LGBTI equality.
Steve Taylor - Communications Director, ILGA-Europe
Next week, ILGA-Europe will fully launch its new Blog with a whole series of posts around sexual health. Together with various authors from across our movement, we'll be saying that #WeLoveSexualHealth. I hope you enjoy the posts.