Workshop presentations and hand-outs
Workshop 2 - Tackling homophobia and transphobia in the media
Workshop 4 - Learning from success
Workshop 10 - HIV-AIDS prevention: making informed choices
Workshop 11 - The contribution of the EEA Grants to a sustainable and empowered LGBT community across Europe
- Presentation EEA and Norway Grants
- Presentation We Are All Citizens
- Presentation Association for LGBT Tolerado
- Presentation LGL
- Presentation Project „Marriage equality for all”
- Presentation Prague Pride
Workshop 12 - Advocating for the rights of Intersex people in Europe
Workshop 13 - LGBT rights movement in Central Asia: a matter for Europe?
Workshop 16 - 23 Framing our rights and affirming common values
Workshop 26 - Take trans rights a level up: National organisations and international trans activism
Workshop 27 - Parents of LGBTI: translating parental acceptance into impactful allyship
Workshop 28 - Good practices for LGBTI activists on engaging with local and regional authorities
- Flyer about workshop
- Presentation Juul van Hoof, Rainbow Cities Network
- Presentation Omphalos Arcigay Arcilesbica
- Presentation Simeon Vasilev, GLAS
- Presentation Turgay Bayindir,Turkey