CoE report shines spotlight on trans discrimination
Today’s debate (Wednesday 22 April) at the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) on a wide-ranging trans rights resolution is important for trans people across Europe.
Today’s debate (Wednesday 22 April) at the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) on a wide-ranging trans rights resolution is important for trans people across Europe.
The Swedish government tabled in January two law proposals on legal gender recognition and gender reassignment treatment.
On 27 January 2015, local parliament of the Russian Samara region voted to keep an explicit ban on “propaganda of transgenderism” in a local law.
Today is the TDoR, which aims to memorialise and honour trans people who have been victims of homicide, and to raise public awareness of hate crimes against trans people.
ILGA-Europe welcomes the proposal by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to remove the notion of "gender identity disorder" from the International Classification of Diseases.
Joint open letter to the Prime Minister of Finland urging him to ensure that Finland's gender recognition legislation fully complies with international human rights standards.
On 16 July 2014, the ECHR delivered its judgment in the case of Hämäläinen v. Finland : Finland did not violate the human rights of a trans woman by requiring that her marriage be downgraded.
Today the Danish parliamentarians passed a law which removes a number of obstacles for legal gender recognition.
In this section you can find out how ILGA-Europe is working on intersex and trans issues.
Today, ILGA-Europe adds its voice to the International Transgender Day of Remembrance.