Posted: 23 October 2015
At its 66th general assembly, held in Moscow, the World Medical Association, an international organisation representing doctors, adopted new guidelines aimed at increasing the knowledge and sensitivity of doctors towards trans people.
Posted: 22 October 2015
TGEU and ILGA-Europe regret that this proposal fall
Posted: 9 October 2015
This means that Poland will not have a legal gender recognition process defined in legislation.
Posted: 9 October 2015
ILGA-Europe welcome the adoption of Zaborska Report on equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation which was supported by the European Parliament yesterday.
Posted: 6 October 2015
This was a prime opportunity for Poland to join their European counterparts, such as Malta and Ireland, who have improved gender recognition provisions in 2015.
Posted: 23 September 2015
In 2015, several European countries have taken important steps to improve their gender recognition procedures.
Posted: 7 August 2015
The Act was passed with significant last-minute amendments.
Posted: 16 July 2015
It is due to be signed into law by President Michael D. Higgins in the coming days.
Posted: 27 May 2015
Since the beginning of May 2015, ILGA-Europe have received reports of violent attacks on trans sex workers.
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