Posted: 22 May 2013
ILGA-Europe strongly condemns the homophobic and transphobic attacks against peaceful participants in the 17 May event commemorating the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) in Tbilisi, Georgia, and is deeply concerned by ongoing risks for the security and safety of LGBTI individuals in the country.
Posted: 22 March 2013
Major boost to combatting Hate Crime in Europe is given by two year Facing Facts! initiative.
Posted: 14 March 2013
Posted: 2 November 2012
Today, ILGA-Europe adds its voice to the International Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Posted: 12 September 2012
Today the European Parliament adopted a directive which establishes a set of measures to strengthen victims’ rights in the European Union.
Posted: 11 September 2012
ILGA-Europe expresses its serious concerns regarding a number of of transphobic and homophobic incidents which took place Europe over the last days.
Posted: 8 March 2012
Today is the International Women’s Day. ILGA-Europe and PICUM are using this day as an opportunity to call for a proper gender mainstreaming in the current negotiations of important European Union policies. We are calling for the EU institutions to include and mainstream gender in all its forms in all its adoption of new legislation and all legislation should automatically reflect all discrimination grounds.
Posted: 9 December 2011
The closing conference of the ILGA-Europe project ‘Working with the police and challenging hate crimes in Europe 2008-2011’ is taking place in The Hague on 8 and 9 December 2011. The project was funded by the Dutch government and also supported by the European Union.
Posted: 18 November 2011
ILGA-Europe joins its voice on the occasion of the Transgender Day of Remembrance on 20 November. This Day was established following a murder of Rita Hester in 1998 and serves as a reminder of existing prejudice, hatred and discrimination against trans people.