Posted: 2 December 2021
Today, 2 December 2021, the European Commission (EC) began the second phase of its infringement procedure against EU member state, Hungary, due to discriminatory amendments adopted on 23 June in th
Posted: 16 September 2021
In a judgement released today on the case of X.
ILGA-Europe, EL*C, TGEU, OII Europe and EGLSF submitted to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe a briefing note on violence and discrimination against LBTI women in sport.
Posted: 15 July 2021
Today, July 15, the European Commission announced that it will take landmark infringement procedures against both Hungary and Poland.
Posted: 1 June 2021
The Court found a violation of Article 8 (right to private and family life) and 11 (freedom of association and assembly) together with Article 14 (prohibition of discrimination).
Posted: 14 January 2021
A judgement issued today by the European Court of Human Rights finds that the response of Croatian authorities to a hate crime against a lesbian woman was “particularly destructive of fundamental human rights”.
Posted: 10 November 2020
Today, Tuesday 10th November 2020 the Justice Committee of the Hungarian Parliament tabled a bill that would abolish the Equal Treatment Authority (ETA), Hungary's most important equality body set up in 2005.
Posted: 15 September 2020
The European Commission and member states are duty bound to hold Poland accountable to EU Treaties.
Posted: 29 May 2020
The repealing of this Law means that in practice, LGBTI people are not efficiently and effectively protected from discrimination.
Posted: 24 April 2020
The CJEU held that statements made by a lawyer during a radio programme, saying he would never recruit a “homosexual” or wish to use the services of such persons, fall within the material scope of EU Directive 2000/78 (‘the anti-discrimination directive’).