LGBTI equality and human rights in Europe and Central Asia

Six European NGO networks co-organise a seminar on Multiple Discrimination as it affects young people

A European Youth Forum (YFJ) seminar on ‘Multiple Discrimination as it affects young people’ is being held in Brussels from 20-22 September.

This YFJ event is being organised in partnership with five other civil society platforms: the European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA-Europe); the European Older Peoples’ Platform (AGE); the European Network Against Racism (ENAR); the European Disability Forum (EDF) and the European Women’s Lobby (EWL).

Around 50 participants will be attending this seminar which is aimed at raising awareness on multiple discrimination and addressing its main effects on youth. The event will advocate for the development, at EU level, of a legal framework recognising the additional harm that multiple discrimination implies for victims. EU anti-discrimination and gender equality law has evolved to include protection, in varying degrees and scope, for six grounds of discrimination (race, religion and belief, gender, sexual orientation, disability and age) without considering the interplay between different grounds.

As Bettina Schwarzmayr, President of the European Youth Forum, outlines, ‘multiple discrimination merits particular attention since those experiencing these complex forms of discrimination are among the most vulnerable, marginalised and disadvantaged.’

By convening this seminar, the organisers wish to encourage closer ties and enhance networking between different civil society organisations involved in the work for equality and fight against discrimination, in order to promote effective responses at both the European and national levels.

Contact: Angela Corbalan

Tel: + 32 2 286 94 17. Mobile: + 32 485 57 47 68. Email: