New publication package: towards an LGBTI sensitive EU asylum system
ILGA-Europe launches two new complementary publications related to asylum and LGBTI issues in the EU. In the last three years, new EU legislation has been adopted with improved provisions related to sexual orientation and gender identity persecutions.
ILGA-Europe has been successful in securing relevant changes in such areas as training of professionals and meeting specific procedural needs of LGBTI asylum seekers.
The first publication, Laying the grounds for LGBTI sensitive asylum decision-making in Europe: transposition of the Recast Asylum Procedure Directives and of the Recast Reception Conditions Directive, is a benchmark to access the correct transposition of the Directives in national laws. It also suggests how EU Member States can make use of their powers to go beyond the standards established by the Directives. This document was written by Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi who has also written our complementary Guidelines on the Transposition of the Asylum Qualification Directive.
The second publication, Good practices related to LGBTI asylum applicants in Europe, goes beyond the legal analysis. It is based on research and provides a thematic overview of the most advanced practices in the EU related to LGBTI asylum seekers. This is a practice tool box for LGBTI activists and asylum authorities to work together and improve their policies and knowledge. This document was written by Sabine Jansen who co-wrote the ground breaking research Fleeing Homophobia.
You will find all our publications under ILGA-Europe Reports and Other Material.