LGBTI equality and human rights in Europe and Central Asia

Member State support for progressive EU LGBTI equality work is undeniable

Ministers from 27 EU Member States have issued a clear call to the European Commission to step up its work on LGBTI equality measures. 

That message emanated clearly from this afternoon’s (Monday, 7 March 2016) Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council meeting.

The adoption of conclusions on gender equality and LGBTI equality was one of the afternoon session’s agenda items, as part of a package put forward by the Dutch Presidency (current chair of the Council of the EU). 27 Member States stated their unequivocal support for the LGBTI conclusions, asking the Commission to breathe real life into the activities listed in their LGBTI List of Actions. Only Hungary was unable to support the LGBTI equality conclusions in their present form.

“The common desire for equality for LGBTI people cannot be ignored. The appetite for greater advances was evident among the 27 Member States who supported the measures at EPSCO today.” said ILGA-Europe Executive Director Evelyne Paradis.

“While we would have much preferred to have seen full unanimity, this was not just a tacit agreement with the European Commission’s List of Actions. This was a real message from Members States that they want to see practical progress sooner rather than later.”

The LGBTI Council Conclusions asked the Commission to produce a progress report by the end of 2016 and also requested the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency to repeat its innovative LGBT survey.