European Parliament adopts Report on the Situation of fundamental rights in the European Union in 2015
Today, the European Parliament adopted the Report on the Situation of fundamental rights in the European Union in 2015 when they gathered in plenary in Strasbourg.
The report was initially not making any references to the rights of LGBTI people. Important amendments were tabled, in particular addressing human rights violations faced by trans and intersex people.
Unfortunately, many of them disappeared following the work on compromise amendments. We are grateful that the The Greens/European Free Alliance supported three amendments before the vote in plenary aiming at bringing back to the text those critical provisions. We are glad that the amendments calling for the full respect of the rights of trans people (AM 3 & 4) were adopted. However, we strongly regret that the European Parliament rejected the amendment encouraging Member States to prohibit unnecessary medical treatment on intersex children.
Still today, in Europe, intersex children are often subjected to non-consensual medical treatments right after birth and/or during early childhood. We are disappointed that the Parliament refused to take a strong stance against this severe violation of children’s right to bodily integrity.
Find the text of the draft report (before the plenary vote) here
Adopted text of the report will be made available as soon as possible