In 2010, the Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity established the gold standard of LGBT rights in Europe.
Council of Europe and LGBTI rights
This section highlights how the Council of Europe addressed the rights of LGBT people and in particular how the European Convention of Human Rights was used to advance the rights of LGBTI people in Europe.
The Parliamentary Assembly has since 1981 passed a number of recommendations and a resolution supporting LGBT rights.
Find links to all the relevant for LGBT rights recommendations and resolutions here.
The Commissioner for Human Rights have made several of valuable contributions to LGBTI rights.
Find links and other relevant information here.
Find in this section information about cases that have relevance to LGBTI issues. Moreover you can find links to resources that gives a good overview of litigation in this court, download written comments from ILGA-Europe and partners, and finally media releases and news about cases from the court.