LGBTI equality and human rights in Europe and Central Asia

Virtual material space for participants

The following organisations have sent material for download - ILGA-Europe is thanking them for being environmental responsible!

  •     Lithuanian Gay LeagueEquality and Diversity in the NGO Sector
  •     GLEN
    • LGBT Parent in Ireland - Report from LGBT Diversity on a study into the experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People in Ireland who are parents or who are planning parenthood.
    • LGBT People in Rural Ireland - Promoting Positive Mental Health - GLEN partnered with Macra Na Feirme on a new initiative to support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people living in rural Ireland. The new resource LGBT People in Rural Ireland: Promoting Positive Mental Health also highlights the the commu
    • LGBT Service Users - Guidance for staff working in mental health services. This guide was developed by GLEN to assist the Mental Health Commission in promoting, encouraging and fostering high standards and good practices in the delivery of mental health services to LGBT people.
  •     Arcus Foundation - Brief strategy of the Arcus Foundation, International HR Program
  •     Subversive Front
    • Presentation of Subversive Front - A short presentation of Subversive Front - association for critical approach to gender and sexuality, Skopje, Macedonia.
    • General information on Subversive Front. This is information on Subversive Front - association for critical approach to gender and sexuality, Skopje, Macedonia. It contains the mission, vision and strategic goals of the organisation, the work programme for 2013-2014, and the contact information.
  •     SETA
    • Brochure about Seta - LGBTI Rights in Finland
    • "Diversity is in us" video (2012) - Video about the lives of eight young LGBTI people in Finland, subtitles in English, 20 min.
    • None of the Above - Young Transgender and Intersex People´s Vision for 2020. This is an agenda in which young transgender and intersext people present those social and judicial rights that young transgender and intersex people should have in Finland by 2020. This vision was published in Finnish 2010.
  •     Forced Migration Review no. 42: Sexual orientation and gender identity and the protection of forced migrants. Forced Migration Review (FMR) is the most widely read publication on forced migration – available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic, and free of charge in print and online. It is published by the Refugee Studies Centre in the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford.
  •     GALE
    • GALE Toolkit for working with schools - This toolkit has five parts: project implementation tools, tools for managers and authorities, tools for staff, tools for students and tools for parents.
    • GALE Guide to Advocate for Enhanced Quality of Education Dealing with Sexual Diversity - This guide will provide you with tools and instruments for both monitoring and strategic planning of improvement of the implementation of the Right to Education in your country.
  •     UNISON
    • Guide for union reps representing trans members - everything a trade union rep needs to know when assisting transgender members at work.
    • Bisexuality: a trade union issue - two page factsheet on why bisexuality is an equality issue trade unions and employers should address
    • UNISON trans workers rights - Trade union guide to negotiating for transgender workers equality
    • UNISON LGB workers rights - Trade union bargaining for LGB workers rights
  •     APGL (Association des parents et futurs parents gays et lesbiens)
    • Pagaye # 4 - the French rainbow parents'magazine