The 14th ILGA-Europe's Annual Conference took place in The Hague on 28-31 October 2010. The theme of the conference was Expressing our differences, challenging our prejudices, developing our alliances
Annual Conferences before 2011
In this section you will find the information about all ILGA Europe's Annual Conferences held before 2011.
A lot of cities have hosted the Annual Conference throughout the years : The Hague, Malta, Vienna, Vilnius, Sofia, Paris, Budapest, Glashow, Lisbon, Rotterdam, Bucharest, Linz...
In this section you will find information about each one of the early conferences.
In 2009 our Annual Conference took place on 29 October - 1 November in Malta. The theme of the conference is "Overcoming Religious & Cultural Barriers to LGBT Equality".
In 2008 our annual conference took place in Vienna on 30 October - 2 November. The theme of this year's conference is " Think globally, act locally.
In this section you will find all information related to our conference in Vilnius on 25-28 October 2007. The theme of this year's conference is “LGBT Rights are Human Rights – Respect, Recognition and Responsibilities”
In this section you will find various materials related to our 2006 conference which took place on 26-29 October in Sofia, Bulgaria . The theme of 2006 conference was “We are Family” – Our families in Europe and the European family.
On this page you will find a list and reports from the early ILGA-Europe Annual Conferences.